
Privacy Policy

General Conditions

By accessing or using Tintex’s online store, you are subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use described on this page. Tintex Textiles reserves the right to update these Terms. Any changes made will be communicated on this page. We advise you to regularly visit this page to be aware of the current version.

Access to information

Tintex Textiles cannot be held responsible if for any reason Tintex’s online store is unavailable for a given period of time.
Occasionally Tintex Textiles may restrict access to some areas of the website.

Quality of Information

Tintex’s concern is to ensure the quality of the content available through their validation and updates. However, it is possible that technical and/or printing inaccuracies will occur. If you find faults or errors in the contents of Tintex’s online store, please send us a notification to store@tintextextiles.com.


The contents of Tintex’s online store are registered as copyright which guarantees protection of all intellectual property. Contents may not be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or stored without the prior consent of Tintex, unless otherwise specified and with explicit reference of the source (www.store.tintextextiles.com). Any modification to the original content is expressly prohibited.

Collection of personal data

Buying fabrics at Tintex’s online store requires prior registration and providing personal information. Tintex Textiles needs this data to process and ship your order. Registered users are entitled to access, update and modify their data. If you would like to delete your account, please let us know by sending an email or letter to Tintex.

At Tintex’s online store, you can also subscribe to our newsletter in order to receive our news. If you do not wish to be contacted for these purposes, you can cancel your subscription by accessing your personal account, by clicking the link at the bottom of the newsletter or by sending an email with the subject “Remove Newsletter Subscription” to store@tintextextiles.com.
Data is collected through completion of an online registration form.

Processing of personal data

The provided data is processed automatically by our computer system in accordance with confidentiality and security laws. Tintex’s online store holds a digital certificate which ensures the identity and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption of transmitted data. All information is encrypted and the confidentiality and security of transactions are guaranteed.

Use of personal data

Tintex guarantee the confidentiality of all the data provided by users of Tintex’s online store. The data provided as mandatory are indispensable to the provision of the Service by Tintex.
The omission or inaccuracy of the data provided by the User is of its sole and entire responsibility and may give rise to the refusal to provide the service by Tintex.

Internet is an open network, so that the personal data of the User, other personal information and all content hosted on the Service may circulate in the network without security conditions, including the risk of being accessible and used by unauthorized third parties. Therefore, Tintex cannot be held liable for such access and / or use.


Tintex’s online store uses cookies. Cookies are a way to improve your browsing experience. They are small data files generated by your browser which are automatically stored on your hard drive. These files do not contain personal information but allow Tintex to identify individual visitors to the site.

Liability for Damage

Tintex cannot be held responsible for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this website or others to which you can be forwarded to by links on Tintex’s online store. Each user should take necessary precautions and ensure that information exchanged does not contain viruses or other harmful features.